Sunday, 3 February 2013

Work in Progress

 If you think these floral fripperies are fashioned up overnight.
You'd be wrong.
They are works in progress.
Each piece goes through all sort of treatments.
Depending on my state of decisiveness.
Veil? Or no veil..feathers and how to position.
Camellia colours? 
Hand-dyed figured and beaded lace.
I love this plush velvet pink hand-made pin cushion bought
at the Embroiderers' Guild Christmas Craft Fair.
Up until today, I deemed it too good to use.
Not anymore, something changed.
To find relief from this level of complex decision-making, I commandeered
my niece K, to colour coordinate the book shelf.
In the style of Bright Learning's as below.
ROYGVIB and white to black.
The before shot, as below.
 I am perversely over- satisfied with the outcome.

Do you already colour code your clothes?
If so, this won't be news to you.
Keep crafty.


  1. Those are great, love the one on the left :) I bet they are works in progress, I constantly add or take away from things I make. It can go on sometimes. I colour coordinate my wardrobe, it's much easier to find things, it looks great with the book shelf too! I hope you have a great week ahead xx

  2. That's it! I'm colour coding the frocks and tops this weekend! I like that multi colour camellia look, too. I did quite a few, so your comment's helped me to decide which will be starting a new life in the UK! Do you prefer that to blue camellias and black lace? Or blue camellia and pale blue lace?
