Saturday, 29 September 2012

This is Nice

A while back my artist friend Starr, popped over to do a shoot for
her forthcoming Exhibition, entitled I Love Paris.
It's here, if you are inclined to pop in.

She shot all sorts of scenes.
To turn into to her expressive and colourful pieces.
Here we are, rubbing shoulders with the who's is who at another Show of hers.
It was fun to see her work her one-woman-show.
Anyone who can do this, gets my vote.
Then, last night to my surprise,
this popped up in the three-year-old Blackberry's inbox.
Flora for sale, skipping with gay abandon, down a one way street in Paris.
Winter 2010.
Seriously, the winter o' my dreams.
Mr Fascinata will know where.
Must ask, again.
Love how the no-entry sign is now a love heart.
Remember the photo?
Thank you, lovelies.
Can't wait to see the Show.


Friday, 28 September 2012

Pretty in Pink

Here's some great pink moments in the House of Flora and about.
 Spot tulle One-of-a-Kind, fashioned on my niece, K.
 Brisbane's camellias, showcased at Chanel
Who would have thought?
 More loveliness at Chanel.
Everlasting daisy chain, re-purposed to garnish the Frenchie.
Don't panic, his eyes are always like that. 
Dyed, formed and frayed. 
A rose from days gone by.
From Flora's Stop and Smell the Roses, now almost non-existent roses. 
Buttonhole stitch pin cushion.
Made by a Guild member.
The Guild's pretty in pink.
Mr Fascinata's GM modified corn syrup iced birthday cake triumph! 
Tweed, wool flannel and silk corsages. 
 The 87 year-old-house model.
Much more obliging since becoming deaf and blind.
Visitors to the House of Flora would attest.
Imagine these stilettos in the 'drobe.
On the hooves.
Probably could glue-gun up your own?
Just thinking. 
 Monet's water lily at Giverny, honestly, if you get there, just
aim and shoot, your shots can't fail.
It's all about the light. Apparently.
 Flora's silk and cotton camellia.
My Flora business card artwork,
that I have lost somewhere on the computer.
And finally, for the ultimate in pink frippery and nonsense,
I give you S, a while back.
Celebrating her birthday 'do
with a cake from the House of Flora.
A Barbie and a camellia.
Happy Birthday, soon S.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Studio Frenzy and Incoming Correspondence

I've hit the House of Flora's studio, hard.
In anticipation of my spot at the Embroiderers' Guild Xmas Craft Fair.
I've received confirmation.
Thank you, Guild.
At present, the Studio looks like a bomb went off.
Luckily, Mr Fascinata is not wearing 100% wool suits at present,
for fear of fibres and fluff from Flora.
I've even pushed the marriage boundaries and temporarily
commandeered his ironing board as a display shelf.
Carte blanche.
It was good to discover what was in the craft trolley, again.
The fabric stash.
Still can't bear to cut Ok-Ja Choi's hand woven, hand-dyed with saffron silk.
Here's beautiful Ok-Ja, in case you missed her before.
And here's her indigo dyed corsages.
I can't get that stains and soil removal expert and author Shannon Lush out of
my head. I swear I heard on 612 radio that she said to minimise
dry-cleaning bills, you can pop suede and wool items in a bag with wheat-germ and a
little white vinegar and then sit on the bag for an evening of television viewing to 'dry' the contents, all-the-while
this is taking the soil from your clothing items!
Please, can someone clarify.
Happy Thursday.
Oh, and I've also caught the Tupperware virus.
I'm having a party!
I hope I can live up to its party expectations.
If you need a lid replaced, let me know.
Or, a jelly mould.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Mad Hatta

Fashioned up this frippery for a forthcoming
MaD HatteRs pArTy.
Hosted by my friend, S.
I am always grateful for anyone who declares a theme and then swings
open their doors and invites others.
Here's Flora's One-of-a-Kind
A Queen of Hearts. Glittered.
And, Bowed.
This thing's definitely getting a run.
On the invite list.
Better garnish my own crown with this.
My nod to Queensland Ballet's version of Alice in Wonderland.
A while back.
Wear these?
Kusama's lovely dotties pumps.
To match S's tea-set.
Or this.
Louise Gray for Topshop.

Wondering if I should whip up a batch of these?
This could fit, too.
These are definitely through the looking glass.
The tea sets will be out for sure.
Here's part of  my friend S2's, Herend china collection, as below.
It's gorgeous. She's a kindred spirit.
Just like the aforementioned, S.
And more, as below.
My old cabinet of curiosities, as below, has S2's name on it,
if indeed it needs disposal.
It narrowly survived Mr Fascinata's blue dot campaign - ie. show cause - or cull treatment.
He even included his own Delft dowry in the cull assessment.
This 'do could match the theme.
Might be hard to hold in place.
Queen of Hearts? Anyone?
Or, Flora?
I love the chalkface's term break, I've got time to
think about important things.
I found this old photo of the workers back-in-the-day.
Establishing the Sow's Ear.
Driving shovels into the parched earth.
It would be fair to say that I have put them through a bit.
Thank you, workers.
Look at us now.