Thursday, 27 September 2012

Studio Frenzy and Incoming Correspondence

I've hit the House of Flora's studio, hard.
In anticipation of my spot at the Embroiderers' Guild Xmas Craft Fair.
I've received confirmation.
Thank you, Guild.
At present, the Studio looks like a bomb went off.
Luckily, Mr Fascinata is not wearing 100% wool suits at present,
for fear of fibres and fluff from Flora.
I've even pushed the marriage boundaries and temporarily
commandeered his ironing board as a display shelf.
Carte blanche.
It was good to discover what was in the craft trolley, again.
The fabric stash.
Still can't bear to cut Ok-Ja Choi's hand woven, hand-dyed with saffron silk.
Here's beautiful Ok-Ja, in case you missed her before.
And here's her indigo dyed corsages.
I can't get that stains and soil removal expert and author Shannon Lush out of
my head. I swear I heard on 612 radio that she said to minimise
dry-cleaning bills, you can pop suede and wool items in a bag with wheat-germ and a
little white vinegar and then sit on the bag for an evening of television viewing to 'dry' the contents, all-the-while
this is taking the soil from your clothing items!
Please, can someone clarify.
Happy Thursday.
Oh, and I've also caught the Tupperware virus.
I'm having a party!
I hope I can live up to its party expectations.
If you need a lid replaced, let me know.
Or, a jelly mould.

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