Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Here's my niece E.L fashioning a free form sculpted piece of Flora-One-of-a-Kind frippery.
Close to one of my favourite ways to fashion.
Frankly, I can't follow a recipe, but am a pretty reliable cook
and also find it hard to follow any other sort of instructions!
But, for some reason can create some impressionable outcomes.
It's always a bit awkward when someone asks me what's in it?
And, how much is in it?
Because I would be lying if I told you, because I wouldn't have a clue.
I'm heading up E.L's way, soon.
Hopefully, if she's not driving trucks, she'll fashion a bit more for Flora.
Here's another piece, sculpted lace.
These beauties are effortless to wear. Lightweight and easy to secure.
Perfect race day wear.
Here's Flora's latest efforts.
From lovely G's stunning beaded lace.
Cut, shaped and formed.
I'm still not ready to move on from L's tassel mastery.
Forget to mention the Erte card she gave me. Black and gold glitter, an Art Deco delight.
Uncannily matched to my hoarded Chanel perfume box Christmas 2002.
I know I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. But, why, oh why Chanel? Really, Brad Pitt the face of Chanel No 5?
Might threaten to cancel my subscription.
Speaking of Christmas. Any plans?
Maybe it'll look like this?

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